Link to Purchase Tickets for January Festival Concert
Purchase tickets to the OkCDA All-State January Festival Concert.
OkCDA Member Benefits
Support from fellow choral musicians by discussing and collaborating with others at festivals and conventions
State and National resources – Tutti, Choral Journal, and research articles from ACDA
Professional development opportunities through January and Summer Conferences
Honor Choirs
Student performing groups – OkCDA JH Treble and Mixed Choruses, OkCDA HS Jazz, SWACDA and ACDA Honor Choirs
OkCDA recognizes a Director of Distinction each year. Recipients are active in choral music in Oklahoma, hold ACDA/OkCDA membership, maintain high performance and literature standards, provide outstanding leadership, and have served ACDA/OkCDA through offices held, committee work, etc.
OkCDA offers an undergraduate and a graduate scholarship to those studying voice and/or conducting with the intent of entering the teaching profession after graduation.